Tuesday, May 14, 2019

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Spend quality time with them. Give the person you love your full, undivided attention when you’re together. Try to eliminate any distractions coming between you and your loved one. Avoid using your phone or electronics to make your loved one feel special.  The types of gifts you might give depends on the type of love you're expressing:
·        Flowers are a very common gift to give to a romantic lover.
·        Less symbolic gifts, like concert tickets, may be given to friends or family.
·        Small thoughtful gifts, like homemade cards or picked flowers, can mean a lot to anyone.
Practice active listening when your loved one is talking by maintaining eye contact and processing what they’re saying. Don’t talk over or interrupt them. Have a board game night or go on a date night to a place you’ve never been before so you can have fun.
Sometimes, doing chores or helping out around the house will show someone that you care and love them. Even if it’s out of your way, take some time to do the thing that your loved one hates doing all the time. They’ll be sure to appreciate it.  For example, if your loved one is very busy and don’t have time to wash the dishes, consider doing them to ease their workload.
Make it last. When people first begin to love, they rarely consider the long-term ramifications. It can feel amazing to love someone at first, but the greatest rewards come from a lot of persistence and effort from both sides. Once you have a strong relationship, don't get lazy; feed it every day. Whether that's through repeating the steps or exploring new ways, making love last is very important. If love was thought to be short-lived, it would never feel as powerful as it does.
Put your loved one’s needs ahead of your own from time to time to keep your love consistent.
Define love. Before anything else, it is important to base your search for answers on a generally agreed-upon definition for the word love. Love may be casually described as a very strong affection for something or someone, although answers will vary from person to person. Chances are you have your own definition of love. Try to put your own definition into words.
Because love is something you feel, looking to art and music lets you feel someone else's interpretation directly. The Beatles are a great go-to in this regard, but there are great songs about love from virtually every era and style of music.  Writers and philosophers have given many different interpretations of love. You may want to seek out their opinions if you're having any doubt with your own definition.